SMP Europe

Ignition Coils

As ignition manufacturing experts, Lucas offers the best solutions for Ignition Coils in the market. From the earliest Oil Filled Coils, up to the latest High Energy Coil-On-Plug designs, as well as every design type in between.

  • All Coils tested and validated to meet or exceed OE specifications at in-house facility
  • Extensive vehicle coverage to offer a one-stop-shop solution
  • Highest quality standards in research and design

Product Overview:

Ignitions coils transform the low voltage from the battery (usually 12v) into at least the 10,000v (in some applications 40,000v) necessary to create a spark at the plugs and ignite the engine. This is done through wrapping wire around a core to create a transformer. Backed by over 50 years experience of manufacturing combined with modern engineering expertise our range of Ignition Coils are developed and tested to meet or exceed OE specifications.

Causes of Failure:

Vibration or heat damage causing internal failure. Cracks around chimneys on block coils causing arcing and tracking to earth


Misfire or non-start

Also Known as:

Block coil, coil pack, multi outlet coil, dry coil, coil & module, single outlet dry coil, pencil coil, single coil, coil on plug, individual coils, mushroom coil, rail coil, cassette coil, wasted spark coil, semi-direct coil

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